Posts for Tag: Alchemy

A Most Secret, Celestial, Invisible Earth

My Vigil of the Eye is almost at its end.  Talking with my friend, she said she felt two months was the perfect length for a trip, and I have to agree.  If my relocation had only lasted two months, I would not have the distinct "I'm done!" feeling that has been upon me as of late. 

Did I discern what I truly want and need from in amongst all that my heart feels and which I have observed?  I feel that "sort of" is the best answer, as true to my usual form, I really feel like I had some good experiences which helped me clarify a bunch of shit that I now feel I would prefer to not do again.  I can tell that both my tastes and preferences, and my wants and needs have all shifted in terms of how I view my main alchemical fire family.  I love them deeply but what I really want and really need is not what they are anymore.  I share some of their values but am seeking something less focused on theatrical performance and more on living systems.  I don't want a social community, where I just live in the same city as some of my tribe and we just have fun together.  I want some land and some deeper connections and I recognize that means sharing challenges along with the fun.  I'm just enough off from the core ways of being with the Vortex that I won't get the connection and validation that I seek and need because I don't quite do what that group lauds/supports/encourages.  I've been coming to events in Vegas for a decade and there's only one single person here who ever regularly contacts me in Seattle.  I'm not going to cease my involvement but I am going to seriously reconsider my investments of time and energy and new levels of priority and allocation are going to come into play.

Behold, I will tell you as plainly as I may. There are in the world two extremes -- matter and spirit. One of these, I can assure you, is earth. The influences of the spirit animate and quicken the matter, and in the material extreme the seed of the spirit is to be found. In middle natures -- as fire, air, and water -- this seed stays not, for they are but dispenseros or media, which convey it from one extreme to the other, from the spirit to the matter -- that is, the earth. But stay, my friend; this intelligence hath somewhat stirred you, and how you come on so furiously, as if you would rifle the cabinet. Give me leave to put you back. I mind not this common, feculent, impure earth; that falls not within my discourse, but as it makes for your manuduction. That which I speak of is a mystery: it is coelum terrae and terrae coeli, not this dirt and dust but a most secret, celestial, invisible earth.

from Magia Adamica: or the antiquitie of magic, and the descent thereof from Adam downwards, proved. Whereunto is added a... full discoverie of the true coelum terræ... By Eugenius Philalethes. London: T.W. for H.B, 1650.

The last two days I spent at a tiny house workshop.  If I had to sum it up in a word, I'd pick "specificity."  That's the entire goal of the process and the end result:  to make a house specific to the residents and their most important activities.  I have started to have some really interesting ideas, things I had never contemplated in the last two years of following the movement.  My house is going to be alchemical, and I have to explore how to apply those ideas to every detail of every part of it.  As above, so below.  As within, so without.  This is going to be harder than I can possible imagine. 

I want a porch on my tiny house that is larger than what most people build so it seems like getting a slightly longer trailer is the way to go.  I had been thinking of the bathroom and kitchen at the hitch end but now see them very much at the door end.  I see two lofts, stairs up and most likely a cathedral ceiling section.  I liked the wood stoves I saw, especially a very teeny UK model.  Composting toilet.  A bit of internet research last night showed me that my idea of using earthen plaster to combat the moisture issues that can happen in tiny houses has already been tried and it would seem that even when being moved around, the plaster stays on the walls of the house.  I had a vision of the hitch end being one gigantic floor to ceiling bookcase. 

In some ways I have a huge list of things to do when I get home, and yet I also feel I have no idea what I'm going to do.  Who am I kidding?  I'm spending the first three weeks at home freaking out about the Emerald City Comicon.

The Etheric Forces Of Nature Which Are Fully Active Underground

At this time we are in Mercury retrograde, during the time of Aquarius, poised right before the moment of Imbolc.  Societal collapse shows more clearly all the time where I am in northern Las Vegas, but so do all the more pleasant distractions.  Right now, one of my witchy sisters is on the road, headed to points south and eventually landing sometime this evening at the Goddess temple.  I will be seeing her tomorrow.  The second sister arrives on Friday, and the three of us will do Mysterium this weekend.

Because it is so enigmatic an attempt will now be made to explain as fully as possible in what sense it acts as an inspiration to the alchemist. The symbol is a woman pouring out the contents of an urn. This might seem an unlikely symbol for an air sign. The explanation is this: the contents of the um represent irradi­ation, the etheric forces of nature which are fully active underground.

-- GOLD OF A THOUSAND MORNINGS, Armand Barbault, 1969, translated from the French by Robin Campbell 1975.

Although this is the time of the gathering of the First Matter, here in the desert, there's no gathering of morning dew like there might be elsewhere.  I will be doing that work in the Inner realm this season, where raw lead seems to be in abundance.  The Air of Earth is radiation:  that reminds me of Art Kunkin's work with the Philosopher's Stone, and his irradiating pears with pitch-blend and eating them.  

Last year I learned that the material you use to collect the dew is important, for if you use a metal or wooden bowl, the dew will be instantly attuned to either the Metal or Plant Kingdoms if caught in these, and so I had to switch to ceramic or glass.  If we get any more significant rain here, I may put out a vessel and catch some, because you can't get much more rare in energy than Las Vegas rain water, I figure.  One of those really windy, rainy days would be rather potent.

My Vigil of the Eye has made some things very clear at this point.  Once again, I find myself orienting from what doesn't work for me.  I think it's about time I stop letting others tell me that I'm a negative person just because I look for the bad and move away from it instead of looking for the good and moving towards it, like most humans seem to do.  As much as I share a lot of individual strands of different values with the Vortex community, nothing 'Vortex' connects back to my life in Seattle.  Meaning, aside from anything that is directly me, no humans here maintain any awareness of or connection to my life outside of Las Vegas.  While there are people whose lives and existences I care about when I am not in Las Vegas with them, I do not find that sentiment comes back the other way to Seattle.  Truly, it does not.  People like when I'm here, but it's not essential, they aren't bothered one way or the other if I'm here or not... and I've decided that's not serving me.  If I'm going to put effort into a spiritual community, I want to feel like they care that I'm part of the community.  I want them to care what I do in the community, and how I do it. 

And just as I was reading about how some people are rejecting being "makers" because it devalues those humans who are not, this community puts an extremely high value on Performers.  I am a not a Performer in any of the ways that this community values them, and I have been aware of that devaluation for a long time. 

There's also something about this community, and how it clings to older power structures, the "old boy" network.  I had been thinking about it last year, and then there was a beautiful man who spoke to how he was really struck by how women are missing from leadership roles at the Illumination afterglow, and that locked right in with a quote I had read the week before, and now I find all these months later I'm not the only woman with whom that idea has been fermenting.  I suspect there are a group of us (of all genders and roles) who have sort of stepped up at fire circles over the years, or been groomed to take over certain tasks, and it's becoming clear that while we don't mind inheriting the fire circle tradition, we aren't about to take on every last little facet of the tradition, especially the ones we know are are "-ist" or an "-ism."  

I put in presentation proposals to an event the last weekend in July.  If I get accepted, I will not be attending Illumination.  Overall, I did not enjoy the expanded Fall Fest/Bonedance event this past October and as much as I am now the Vortex registrar, I don't see attending that event as being something that serves me.  Especially as that now is in direct time conflict with my saffron harvest.  Packaging up my saffron to give as gifts, I realized how much I had really been anticipating the harvest and all that activity myself.  I willingly missed the harvest of my first real saffron crop and, after the fact, that bums me out. 

The approach of Imbolc certainly has revealed some interesting mental seeds.  In my alchemical interpretation of the Wheel of the Year, this is the time of Dissolution.  Time to dissolve all in water, and wash away disillusion. 

The Angels Are More Lucid Than The Sun

In the fullness of summer's heat, in the space between Litha and Lughnasadh, the alchemical materials are cooking away, distilling to become higher and more refined.  In my household, lots of choices and decisions seem to have suddenly shifted or arisen or something, and everyone who's spent this past winter wishing or working to get something different most likely got a couple options thrown right at their head this past week.  Distilling what do do about a fastball on the fly right towards your head can be tricky but it's either decide or watch that sucker hit you right in the face.  

I'm down to just a few functional days left before I am off on adventures and I'm teetering on almost being booked up solid.  My housemate's urge/desire to have another pet after the passing of the previous one this past year has suddenly come to a head this week, and Thursday is now an all-housemate trip out to the Olympic peninsula to look at a rescue dog.  Yes, right before we all are going to leave town for anywhere between 5 and 15 days.  All I can say at this point is stay tuned. 

Out of the elements of fire and air are the sun, moon, and stars composed. Hence the angels are more lucid than the sun, moon, and stars, because they are created from one substance, which is less dense than two, while the sun and the stars are created from a composition of fire and air.


Wednesday (today, thank the Goddess for blog queues!) is errand day.  I get a haircut in the afternoon and the entire neighborhood will be going completely nutty-kookoo-bonkers tonight with the annual Seafair Parade.  Anything I want to get done, I gotta get done before noon to be practical about it.  There will be cannon fire and pirates by nightfall.  Friday I have to soak up as much K-energy as I can before I leave.  We're gonna make a night of it after she gets off work, with the chocolate exhibit at MOHAI and then we're going to see LUCY.  Seriously, we have discovered that when I have longer trips, we both seem to have a touch of separation anxiety.  We still email and whatever, but what stops is the use of each other as an external hard drive.  And it's not about data files, it's the processing power. 

Luggage is about to be staged and gear is on the verge of actually beginning to be packed.  I have to do a weather recheck.  And I got a head's up about a fancy-schmancy dinner for the family days, so I have to make sure I've got some clothing packed that doesn't have ember holes in them or pre-reek of smoke.  This year, as I am not solo, I have initiated a grand nesting scheme, the end result of which is, I hope, that my gear stays drier and I can better facilitate my daytime and nighttime circle duties.  If you get your stuff spread out over the Illumination site, it's almost as bad as when that happens at MayFire. 

It Ruptures, Dissolves And Congeals All Things

I feel like my past week was very dissolve... Sitting adjacent Lake Washington and observing the waters and Mt Rainier for hours.  We even had a nice heat wave that reminded me more of the summer temps of my Eastern childhood.  I got buzzed by hummingbirds.  At dusk, I watched for bats.  Gentle heat, lots of water....but not for much longer as I'm now starting my countdown to Illumination, and multiple alchemical fires.

As summer solstice is Conjunctio, thus Lughnasadh follows aligned with Distillatio, the distillation of Mercury.  As Lammas celebrates the wheat harvest, so the process of distillation brings more discrimination to the alchemical purification.  Now, having started to see harvest from our efforts earlier in the year, we begin to separate the wheat from the chaff in our processes.  Having had discussions with people on the event side of Illumination, I have an outline and some guidance and thus what I'm going to be doing and bringing gets refined.  And with Illumination taking place around Lughnasadh, really potent work can be done.

This fire is mineral, equal and continual, and never evaporates unless over excited; it has certain of the characteristics of sulphur, is taken and originates elsewhere than in the material. It ruptures, dissolves, and congeals all things, and similarly congeals and calcinates; it is difficult to find by industry or by Art. This fire is the epitome and abridgement of the Work in its entirety, taking no other thing else, or very little, and this same fire introduces itself and is of mediocre heat; for with this little fire the whole Work is perfect, and all due and necessary sublimation achieved together.

from Pontanus - The Secret Fire, 16th Century

I've been tapped to "co-docent" the circle, and while I am supposed to be put in touch with my other co-docent ahead of time, I'm prepared to show up on site in a few weeks with a name and the half face I remember and improvise from there.  Because that's how fire circles go that way sometimes.  I'm also going to be involved in incense/scenting and the root fire.  Both those aspects of the circle are going to be tuned a bit more this year.  For incense we're going to try and have intentionally-chosen scents at specific times with more purposeful scenting of the circle to help support the specific energy.  We're gonna want a stash of charcoals for that, and I think I'm going to pick up a different type of lighter, one of those torch ones for cigars and high-wind conditions.  I'm not dicking around with a damp charcoal in the middle of the night in a forest in the Pacific Northwest.  I want that shit to light without burning my fingertips off on the lighter trying to do it.  Why yes, I learned a few things this past MayFire, thank you for asking...

How busy I was at MayFire and how seldom I was at or in my tent made me contemplate how I pack in new ways.  I'm on the meal plan this year, and I'm pretty sure that the post-Illumin road trip can be done stove and cooking gear-free, so I'll have some items to eat off of and not much else.  I am going to have a lot of snacks however as the food altar at Illumination is one of the least compatible with me that I've encountered, not to mention once the dew comes down, anything that was out is totes disgusto and usually winds up being tossed which makes for lean offerings after that. 

I have had my eye on a new pair of fire gloves.  There were a few moments at MayFire where I was holding a totally flaming log and thought, yeah, these gloves have given many years of good service but it feels like I might want to start looking...  I found a company that makes a variant of their hearth/fire gloves that have smaller hands and wrists for women.  This is relevant to my tiny-handed interests.  And there are at least a half dozen women who are just waiting to hear what I have to say, knowing how I use my gloves.

I have mugwort drying in the basement.  I have to see what will be fresh in the yard that could get picked for the root fire brew.  That's going to be varied a bit from how the Forestdance people do it, more Root Fire 2.0.  We will not be doing any all-night complex phased rituals.  They are doing one night with three big phases, down from the HFT's four-phase outline.  But it sounds like one intention for this year is to keep people present and not have them spending all night watching a clock, getting together props and costumes, and waiting to perform.  And as much as some people get off on the big organized thing, I think it's busy but not fresh like it once was experientially.

But of course, all that don't mean shit right now because I have a date tomorrow night. 

The Vinegar Of The Wise

The astrological influences for the month of June are excellent for the first three weeks.  In fact, Wednesday the 12th is aligned with Separation and falls right on the full moon.  After I get home from Ashland I'll need to do a bit of cleaning (de-twigging) of plant material so I can get going on a few things.  I have things ready for filtration and others that need to get bottled with Mercury.  Due to my practice of recycling my containers, I'll be working in that order to make empties for the new projects.  I also have some new tiny bottles that I have to find corks which fit them, or some other means of sealing/closing.

I am headed south this weekend, with stopovers along the route.  We'll be over-nighting in Milwaukie, OR on Thursday.  Friday morning will see us at the Enchanted Forest, about an hour further south in Turner, OR.  I was here once in the 1970s, when the attraction was still quite new and there were no rides.  K was here as a young girl too, but that probably was still in the later 1980s at the latest.  A long time since we visited.  But the memory of the ultra-uber-gigantic witch's head never faded for either of us.  I'm sure you can see where this sort of thing is headed.  Oh yeah, there WILL be pics.

Yet I let you know that it is properly called the Vinegar of the Wise, and that in the distillation of this Divine Liquor there happens the same thing as in that of common vinegar; you may hence draw instruction: the water and the phlegm ascend first; the oily substance, in which the efficacy of the water consists, comes the last, etc.


One play I am really looking forward to this weekend is THE TEMPEST.  I've not seen the entire thing staged live, and have seen more things inspired by the original than it in its entirety.  No doubt there will be alchemical allegory that will arise in there somewhere.  I just signed up for JSTOR so I could have access to this major paper from a drama journal in the late 90s that specifically details the alchemy metaphors in the play.  One of the big kickers for that one is that an actor with whom I worked way back in the 80s the summer I was employed by Shakespeare Santa Cruz is in the cast!  I was looking up the actors online last night out of curiosity and there was Bruce A Young, still best referenced to other people as the big black transvestite hooker that Tom Cruise calls in RISKY BUSINESS.    INTO THE WOODS I've only seen as the filmed stage play, and they're working on a movie adaptation now, so this should be good to see in that context.  I'll be curious to see if they make the Wolf in this version as anatomically correct as they did on Broadway.  Given the casting, I think not.  In fact, the Wolf is going to be portrayed by the deaf actor from STTNG that we saw last season in CYMBELINE and THE HEART OF ROBIN HOOD.  Several bit parts in ITW are going to be portrayed by Catherine Coulson, who was the Log Lady on the tv show TWIN PEAKS back in the 90s.  Add to all that some daytime temps in the 80s, our penchant for shenanigans and we're looking at a majorly awesome weekend.

On the home front, I have my garden projects stabilized at the moment.  Saffron is weeded, covered with compost and essentially "asleep" until the first of September when those bulbs will want to be fed.  The roses I hacked back in February are gorgeous now, and clearly they like the big chop in the very earliest of spring.  There has been some talk of adding back in a sage plant, but maybe in the front yard.  Apple tree just keeps getting watered and watched.  I think it's not going to set much fruit this year due to be moved in-ground, but that's for the best in the long run.  White strawberries are just starting to come in, and having been moved to the front, they are getting a lot more sun and seem quite happy.  Fruit yields on those are looking to be up this summer.  I guess that means eating a half palmful at a time instead of three berries.  Only catch garden-wise is the absence of rain.  We normally don't have barrels running dry right at the start of June but, despite many predictions of various showers, the last two weeks in May were pretty dry.  We just hooked up the hose to handle bigger stuff like the raspberry bed while we still water by hand on the rest.