The Angels Are More Lucid Than The Sun

In the fullness of summer's heat, in the space between Litha and Lughnasadh, the alchemical materials are cooking away, distilling to become higher and more refined.  In my household, lots of choices and decisions seem to have suddenly shifted or arisen or something, and everyone who's spent this past winter wishing or working to get something different most likely got a couple options thrown right at their head this past week.  Distilling what do do about a fastball on the fly right towards your head can be tricky but it's either decide or watch that sucker hit you right in the face.  

I'm down to just a few functional days left before I am off on adventures and I'm teetering on almost being booked up solid.  My housemate's urge/desire to have another pet after the passing of the previous one this past year has suddenly come to a head this week, and Thursday is now an all-housemate trip out to the Olympic peninsula to look at a rescue dog.  Yes, right before we all are going to leave town for anywhere between 5 and 15 days.  All I can say at this point is stay tuned. 

Out of the elements of fire and air are the sun, moon, and stars composed. Hence the angels are more lucid than the sun, moon, and stars, because they are created from one substance, which is less dense than two, while the sun and the stars are created from a composition of fire and air.


Wednesday (today, thank the Goddess for blog queues!) is errand day.  I get a haircut in the afternoon and the entire neighborhood will be going completely nutty-kookoo-bonkers tonight with the annual Seafair Parade.  Anything I want to get done, I gotta get done before noon to be practical about it.  There will be cannon fire and pirates by nightfall.  Friday I have to soak up as much K-energy as I can before I leave.  We're gonna make a night of it after she gets off work, with the chocolate exhibit at MOHAI and then we're going to see LUCY.  Seriously, we have discovered that when I have longer trips, we both seem to have a touch of separation anxiety.  We still email and whatever, but what stops is the use of each other as an external hard drive.  And it's not about data files, it's the processing power. 

Luggage is about to be staged and gear is on the verge of actually beginning to be packed.  I have to do a weather recheck.  And I got a head's up about a fancy-schmancy dinner for the family days, so I have to make sure I've got some clothing packed that doesn't have ember holes in them or pre-reek of smoke.  This year, as I am not solo, I have initiated a grand nesting scheme, the end result of which is, I hope, that my gear stays drier and I can better facilitate my daytime and nighttime circle duties.  If you get your stuff spread out over the Illumination site, it's almost as bad as when that happens at MayFire.