Posts for Tag: Beltane

On Which Evolution Has Not Yet Worked

Satellite link has been funky for days.  And yet, posting on Beltane seems appropriate.  My hands are falling off from dryness.  I have torn cuticles, scrapes, nicks, a burn and two splits and that's just my right hand.  Seriously, I need a copy of Louise Hay's Little Blue Book to look up right hands.  

I can't comment on the Sekhmet theft at this time.  I have heard both all the official and unofficial findings and theories, and my dream is to see cops show up at MayFire and take someone away to be questioned.

Two boys from FetLife are emailing, because this only happens when I'm out if town.  One is 24, can hold lucid email conversations and is a horny nerd boy who likes CBT.  Then there's the 41-yr-old guy who went from "hmmm..." to "not good" to "I have to back out of this conversation, like yesterday."  I'm holding out hope for nerd boy for the moment.  

"It is a green and sour fruit, compared with the red, ripe fruit. It is metallic youth on which Evolution has not yet worked, but which contains the latent germ of real energy, which will be called upon to develop later."


The news about my friend E is really not good now that I can talk to people who are not her.  She is in extremely bad shape due to the government taking away all of her pain meds that work and only giving her morphine.  Or as everyone phrases it, they're trying to kill her.  Apparently she's had more weight loss and some strange bouts of bleeding.  I am relocating to A's starting Friday night, and she's just about 4 miles from E's, so I will get in a visit before I hit the deep desert.  Might be the last face-to-face we get.

A May Day ritual was to walk the bounds of your land, so I have been circling and crossing the Temple land a lot.  I try and get out for a few hours in the morning, then get off the land through the midday and get back out in the evening.  I am the only one at all here who goes out to the Temple after dark.  There are two sort-of-hilarious lesbian women staying here this week, who were just passing by, and they are having a classic road adventure much like the first two years when C and I hit the road in NV in the early fire community days.  

We had the new moon gathering last night.  It was a potluck and crafting session.  Highlight of the crafting session:  having listened to five late-teens and early-20-somethings go on about the recent Jaguar commercials, I interjected how a friend and had driven an hour to an obscure town north of us so that on January 30th we could see a same-day broadcast of Tom Hiddleston performing in Coriolanus in London.  If we had been in an aircraft, the oxygen masks would have exploded down from the ceiling right after I made that statement.  Not a one of them said anything, I had outclassed their entire combined fandom in a single move.  K, my twisted little sister, that one was totally for you.

Tonight is Beltane at the Temple, Friday I relocate to A's (AMC 10 within blocks!) and Saturday is DMC's Beltane.  I will see the Mermanor for the first time ever.  And then who knows ahead of MayFire?

Sulphurous Nature Alone Doth Not Profit

Last Saturday was the new moon, which I often do not utilize as an opportunity to do magick, but I'm starting to make it more of a regular habit to do so.  The moon cycle then takes on a nice flow of Solve and Coagula, whereas if I just mark the full moons it's not the balance of the two phases.  It seems like spring now, a continuous flowing between raining and not raining.  The weekend I was out of town at PantheaCon, we got some truly crazy weather and the snowpack that had been really light so far this winter season was apparently amended in one swell foop.

The spring crocus have come up and opened, although it's often so overcast that the blossoms are closed for most of the day.  The roses need to be cut, it's time to find a spot to transplant the columnar apple tree and I had a sudden inspiration last night to rip out some more of that nasty patch of invasive fennel (non-edible) and see if I can get some sunflowers planted in that spot.  Those would make a great border between our house and the neighbors where the fennel has been trying to run wild.  We have a lot of yard re-arranging still to do this coming season so I want to grow just a few things that are fun and don't take much effort.

In particular Transmutations, its Sulphurous Nature alone doth not profit, but with other Sulphurs, especially those of the Red Metals, it does reduce thick Waters, duly terrificated into Gold; so also into Silver, if its nature be subtilized into a thin water by Quicksilver which (amalgam) amongst others is made well enough by Tin.

- from the Aesch-Mezareph, translated into English, from W. Wynn Wescott's 'Collectanea Hermetica' series at the end of the 19th century. 

I've gotten calls from both A & E in Vegas.  E was blissfully short due to my wireless phones battery not being able to hold much of a charge (it's time to replace the battery).  A was one of those long ramblers, with two cut-outs, one on her end and one one mine and the third time was the charm with the really wildly-departed conversation.  I'm feeling more called to her event in April, but practically would dictate that I would then just stay in NV for three weeks, with the last week being MayFire.  Turns out the DMC is having their Beltane the weekend in between, so the trick would be to get someone to bring me into town for a day or two and catch that.  Perhaps stay with Johnny and Dani for that bit.  Or now that A has her own place, I might venture forth and see what's up there.  Freakin' Angel, that's what....

In the meantime I'm up to my ass in my own distractions with the mundane, especially on the pop culture front.  I'm equally scared and looking-forward to the speed dating at the comic con.  J thinks it's perfect that I'm doing it.  I picked the number of sessions and which ones to register for by pendulum.  I'm now down for two of them, one Friday, one Sunday.  And I've gotten instructions on how to present myself different at each appearance.  Seriously though, I've done kinky speed dating a few times before and mostly it was amusing to "meh," with a rare "wow, I hope that guy finds me interesting in two minutes too!"  Which did happen once, and was nice sporadically for about a year after that.  I need to just go read some angst and get this shit out of my system...

Thank goodness for cosplay distractions.  K is funding an ocean of tulle, which will ultimately be draping attitude-misted gothic-sister personas.  No-sew skirts.  It's going to be epic, like the Evil Princess Skirts our five-year-old selves didn't know who to tell we were dreaming about them at the time.  Only affordable.  And I have some fabu ideas for making the ends more ratty and apocalyptic.  And there was one important realization:  the lower we make the waists, the more elegant the sweep.  These need to be hip-slung skirts like what burst out from the lower edge of a tight corset, giving us longer torsos.  I'll be wearing this thing again in the future with delight.  But not at a fire circle, that's for damn flammable sure!