Posts for Tag: shadow work

Who By His Motion Makes Day And Night And Illuminates

I can't believe the bullshit I made up in my head about what it meant to take a few weeks off from writing here.  Seriously, you can't imagine what goes on inside my skull sometimes...

The first weekend in August I was at the Illumination gathering, held in Tidewater, Oregon.  This event marked my eleventh year since I went to my first fire circles in the summer of 2003, and a decade since I got my magickal name and began my service to the fire.  Truly, no two fire circles are alike and once again, I had an experience that was sort-of-like-but-not-really-like all the others I've attended.  I had a hard time being in circle more often than not this year.  But I had a good event with its own special challenges.  I had to come to grips with some shadow work (no surprise there) but also my role as someone who embraces shadow work in a community populated by a majority of light workers.

I raised my hand to speak at the Heartshare, and was "on deck" to talk after another person.  Who then spoke about stuff that I was just not prepared for that exploded all sorts of shit inside my head, so that instead of something nice and pithy I wound up spewing out a bunch of really raw stuff that I can't exactly recall now because I was so freaked out inside my head when I said it.  Ah, the joys of speaking your heart in community....

From whence they anciently call the Sun the lord of the world: in whom there is life to heal all things, who by his motion makes day and night, and illuminates the whole world with his brightness. Wherefore Sol says, I am the stone; or in me is the stone. The philosophers also say: That the work of the stone is the work of a woman, and the play of children. The woman is sometimes the earth, sometimes the Mercury, which seems to perfect the whole work.

from Marsilius Ficinus, 'Liber de Arte Chemica', Theatrum Chemicum, Vol 2, Geneva, 1702.

So I do all that, and even more stuff with more strange symbolic meaning, and then my parents are moving to their new house.  This move takes them from an hour or more drive south of where I live to a seven minute drive north of where I live.  I walked over there three times in three days:  it takes me just over an hour because the hill climb portion winds me.  I'll get that down if I keep it up.  The 'rents are tucked into a neighborhood chunk surrounded by a big park on three sides, and are just a few blocks from the Sounds shore.  I don't know when I'll house-sit there as now we have the dog.

Oh.  Yeah.  Before I left for the weekend down the Oregon coast with the extended family, we got a dog. 

I've been somewhat distracted for the last week because on August 15, HubPages (the #1 site I write on) announced they were acquiring Squidoo (the #2 site I write on).  I can't even begin to describe the freakout that some users are having.  I'm trying to not get agitated over things that haven't happened, or things that have.  It might mean more money, or not.  But it will mean a lot of content editing.  And clearly, Google is not into content farms.

I hope everyone traveling to Burning Man is finding they can travel to Burning Man.  Beware the mud!

It's officially announced:  I'm the registrar for the Vegas Vortex.  I'm going to be in Vegas for two weeks in October.  The next part hasn't been officially announced, but here's how we want it to go:  I'm going to move there for 3.5 months, from mid-November to early March, to pet-sit while someone else goes to Costa Rica to cook for lots of people.

And then I have to get my ass back to Seattle because I'm going to need to be standing in line at the ECCC at the end of March because John Barrowman.